Sunday 17 September 2017

Power of Hope

Power of hope is a transformer, a motivator of the power in us into actions and a driver in control of the power in us directing our actions to the direction of our wishes to achieve great things and become extraordinary people achieving extraordinary feet in life.
Hope is an expectation of a wish to happen. In other words, hope is the engine driver of the power in a Man that we all need to move onward to the next destination.
Hope is a driver, power is an engine and Man is a moving vehicle. What happened to a Man without a hope is as good as a moving vehicle without a driver in control. Consequences to that are frustration, lost of focus, accident, suicide and untimely death except there comes a divine intervention.

At a every point in time in our lives we all need hope as a driver to control the power in us to work or push our actions into the direction of our wishes; good or bad, fail or successful, hope is the controller. With hope we go to school to become a more knowledgeable people, with hope we learn work to be a good handwork men or  craftsmen, with hope we set up great vision such as companies and organizations to fill the void in our human society, with hope science sets up inventions and with hope technology works and improves on such inventions to better the lot of Man. I do not know how much Man would have used the power imbedded in him to better his lot if not hope; without hope of what use will the power in a Man would have been put into action if there  will be no expectations or hope of a possible result of an action that power is to be burnt for or to achieve? Without hope there is no need for power. We all need hope to appreciate the power in us into meaningful actions to fulfil the curiosity of our wishes.
We live in an era where the word disability has become old faction or no longer an excuse. As for me disability only exist in the mental acceptability of a disable mind. What that means is that in real sense there is no such thing as a disable Man in the human hemisphere except only those who mentally accept such status. Those that the World initially claimed that are disable are more able now than the so called able, thanks to power of hope as a transformer. In other sense, we should also not forget that all men born through the womb of a Woman are all disable in one capacity or the other as long we are all imperfect. Those that are very beautiful may not have big boobies as the ugly as some may claim while those that have a well set bottoms may not have a well set hot straight legs and some that claimed to be handsome may not have enough dole in their pocket like the others who do not and some that go to school do not have the doles that those who do not have and that thing that you lack in whatever form have make you a disable person if you accept it mentally as a limitation in your life. What matters mostly is in whatever situation you found yourself in life see hope in it, be motivated with hope and let hope drive out all the powers in you to overcome the disadvantage you think exists in you causing you an inner fear into advantage and become an extraordinary force making a positive difference in midst billions of people on earth if possible and with hope yes you can! Disability comes in variation and the worst kind of disability in life is a mental disability not the physical that Men see, judge and fear.
Am Fame Agidife and I just want to add my voice to voice of wisdom.

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