Monday 25 September 2017

Hope Alive... Yes We Can!

A Man without hope is like a smelling carcass driving away living humans due to its foul odour but a Man with a living hope is as good as a shining light beaming on a darkened tunnel for others to pass through.
When hope dies the World of Man is without a meaning, clouded with darkness, stroke, frustration, possible suicide and untimely death. Wish for good things of life, dream about positive things you can do to fill the void around you, preach positivity to the World around you for positivity to have a return on you and negativity to flee away from you, breath hope, sigh hope, give hope a chance to drive out your passions, let hope coordinate your engine power to your dream destination, give hope just a little chance and see the power of hope motivating the engine power in you to working out your dreams in life, allow hope to drive the engine power in you to achieving great things of life, hope on it and say it yourself that hope alive... Yes I can!! Hope alive... Yes we can!!!

Over the past 20 years of my life I have lectured, worked on different initiatives and projects on this subject of hope and love for humanity and I do know what power of hope entails for every living being. Just as I have said in several times in my previous lectures; power of hope is the great transformer Himself I mean God in a Man, the Positive Changer, the Light, the Vision and the Seer in a Man. Even when a Man is born blind power of hope can make him see all colours, all beautiful things of life and make a better life for himself far even more able than some able. Hopelessness is from the dead and the dark World and it is imputed into the heart of low minded ones by the leader of the dark World Satan himself so that their engine power will be disable and be unable to be driven to a higher and a better level of life.

Just as I said in one of my previous lecture, tittle 'Power', under the subheading 'Laws of Acquiring Power', and stated there that the first among the law of acquiring power is 'Wish', and as I said there that you can only get power when you wish for what you want to use power for. In other words, even when power lies in you in surplus it can only thumps up for you to use it when you wish for what you want to use it for. And there is no limit to what you can wish for in life and that is where hope comes in as a veritable instrument to drive out your power into action for your wish to become alive just as you hope for it. Hope alive is the 'ends that justify the means' in a Man's journey and hassles; wish is the justifier, power is the means to accomplish the wish and hope alive is the ends, though that is when it ends up in a success story as some may argue from a very narrow point of view but even when it ends up in the other way round there is still not such thing as dead hope with living humans except with dead people because even when power is unable to accomplish the journey to make your wish alive it only continues the journey for hope to keep on motivating power to continuing renewing itself for the journey until your expectation or hope becomes alive. And even when you have seen clearly that your expectations in life will not be met in the course of your lifetime with the available powers left in you which is normal because no Man meets all his life expectation completely during the course of his lifetime due to the fact that no single Man has such available power to do so, there is still every reason for your hope in you to still be alive except you want to join the dead, after all, it is only the dead who's hope is dead not the living. Hope alive is the motivation that motivate the power in you to pump up the blood vessels in your veins,  it is what motivate the power in you to go out there to get food on your table, to put food in your mouth, to bite food, to swallow food and it is the God in us that makes every other good things in us to shine out!!!

In this my course of filling the void in me in order to make the World around me a better place I have met with military, civil servants and other kinds of retirees in the Creek of Niger-Delta of Nigeria where I was the C.E.O and the Chair founder of Hope Alive International empowering the poor people of the Niger-Delta, though through personal conversations with these guise it is clear that so many of them did not meet their life expectations which is normal in life but the bottom line is that this guise were still very happy with life and full of hope and what that means is that in spite of everything their hope was still never a dead one but full of life. They were the ones that were even encouraging us to continue on our journey of life from where they seems to have stopped because they do know that life is a continuation and to such unending, Man will always continue to hope for the better days ahead whether you as an individual accept it or live it. Because Man on his own is a testament of a living hope and hope alive... Yes it can is embedded in the heart of a Man to always hope for positive things of life just as he wised and desired them for himself in like manner that all the good things of life were created for him to be desired for his good in the time of creation and that has not change and it can never be changed because that is Man's originality. Pessimism and negativity are intruders to Man's heart and they are fake and neither can they be real for so long if you do not allow them to have a permanent seat to sit on in your heart.

Am Fame Agidife and I just want to add my voice to voice of wisdom.

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