Thursday 24 August 2017

A Farewell Message to the Mother of my Former Personal Secretary, Esther.

I Prescribe to You to Remain Strong and Do not Let it Weigh You Down.

I do know God loves you and your Mother and I do know the personal connection that was with you and your Mother. She was a woman I was personally connected to and you do know that. I also do know that she was your personal back rider. But like  for me, having pass through different kind of life travails, I do no longer called difficulties of life traumas but fates and as such I treat them. I mean they no longer weigh me down because I know they do exist. So, same I prescribe to you to shake it off and be the Woman I used to know you to be. And you shall see grace and greatness all in your way... Farewell to your Mum, my personal person, my personal Sec, the first Lady, the Margaret Thatcher. And remain strong.

Your Former Boss, Fame.

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