Monday 7 May 2018

A TRIBUTE TO MY MOTHER ROSOSALINA AND MOTHER AFRICA An Extract From The Book 'My Africa' Written By Fame Agidife On Highlight @ Fame Agidife Leadership Lecture Series

Oh My dearest Mother Rososalina and Mother Africa ! My African shrines just by the river bank of Africa !! A tribute to you and Mother Africa is an invocation to an African water goddesses and a chant to my route as an African !!!

It has become so inevitable upon the oath of my birth to make this modest tribute to you oh my dearest mother Rososalina !!

I  do remember all the training that you gave me in life on modesty and life of simplicity and with that I do do know that it is only this kind of modest writing that you could have given your approval to for me to honour you on what you stood for in life as a foremost promoter of morals and virtue which you taught me as the two most inestimable jewels that are in a man; and if anyone doubts let him ask for wisdom from Nature who is Mother Africa and if on the contrary he did not learn anything he will know as emptiness will follow him all along in every step of his life across the shores of the Pacific and the Atlantic.

Oh momma ! As a child who left home at a very tender age to learn the white man's knowledge and culture it would have been damn for me  if not your well inculcated morals in me momma !!

Oh momma ! Down here I see shit, I see a vast population of junkies whose addiction for the opium had become their well acclaimed culture !!

Oh momma ! Down here I see bloodbath on innocent school children; they are gunned down one by one by lunatics and they called it gun violence.

I missed you momma ! Your moral lessons were far more practicable and more humane than that of the white man's boring lectures whose  racist lecturers and white students gluttonous appetite only got wet when they call those of us whom are black students bananas and monkeys.

Oh my dearest mother Rososalina ! I have been thinking of you, I missed you and I missed home greatly !!

Ehhen, less I forget, I find it imperative to also let you know that I have requested for the assistance of my two great friends, I hope you still remember them, I mean Centrifugal force of the West Wind and Centripetal force of the South Wind to join me on this course of spreading your moral legacy and the phenomenon Mother Africa across the North Pole to the South Pole of the Earth.

Oh you Mother Africa, you who gave birth to us all black race that live on the surface of this earth, you who gave birth to us all Africans, you who gave us our first suckle, you who lead us to this land of milk and horny called Africa !

A land full of milk and horny and abundant natural resources and your children whom you settled in here are full of dreams and aspirations and being protected by your nature.

Oh Mother Africa you whose love for your children had made you to always keep your eyes on them and protect them like hen gathering its chicks into its feather away from harm of an enemies attack, oh you superfluous mother nature Africa !

Oh you woman of the black race, oh you woman of Africa, oh you my mother, I have been thinking of you lately, oh you my mother !!

Oh my dear mother Rososalina, ahh hhaa …

I felt you when I was just still an embryo in thy womb but I miss you when I was caught up in the middle of the Sea wave …

Dearest Rososalina, gracias momma !

I felt your warmth love when my lips were still suckling thy breast milk but I miss you when I was on the bedrock of the Ocean …

Oh my dearest Rososalina, O my mother, you who carried me upon your back all day long and upon the nipples of your breast you felt the strong suction of my lips all night long throughout my infant days …

You who gave me my first suckle, you who watched over my first faltering steps, you who were the first to open my eyes to the wonders of the World …

My dearest Rososalina, ahh ahh ahh …

I have been thinking of you, thinking of you oh my mother, my dearest Rososalina, oh Rososalina, oh you woman of the Creeks of Africa, oh you Mother Africa my motherland …

Yeah, my great mother, great woman of the fields, woman of the great woman of the banks of Africa, oh you my mother…

I have been thinking of you, oh you my mother, my dearest Rososalina, oh Rososalina, hala hala momma !

I miss you when I was in the enemy’s camp …
Oh my mother, my dearest Rososalina, oh Rososalina, ahh ahh ahh …

Oh my mother, oh you woman of great simplicity, oh you woman of great designation, oh you woman of great faith, oh you woman of great virtue, oh you woman of great sacred secret treasure !

Oh you my mother, oh you my mother Rososalina, you who dried my tears, you who filled my heart with laughter, you who patiently bore with me in all my many moods !!

Oh momma ! How I love to still be beside you once again like the little child of yesterday whom used to point finger at the ice cream man who used to pass at the frontage of our house and sometimes when you do not want to buy it for me you will just cradled me across your legs like a big baby while you pulled out your large round shaped yellowish breast out of your bra and you will tell me, see a natural ice cream, you have drank too much of an unnatural ice cream today, now take this one it's natural and at first I will somewhat shy but once I sight your lactating large milky bubby I will shamelessly latched my lips onto your nipple while I blink my eyes on as you press your bubby full of milk into my mouth as if that is all I have been waiting for but was just pretending as if I truly needed the ice cream in the first place and yes of course the mama milk served my cravings far more better than that of the unnatural ice cream which you used to buy for me from the ice cream man for my preparation towards weaning momma !!

Halloo uh uh momma !!!

I have been thinking of you greatly uh my momma !

My dearest Rososalina, hala at uh momma !!

O ye my black mother whose neo-origin is purely of the black race, oh ye great woman of Africa, o ye woman of the great river banks of Africa, I saw you fetching water at  the river bank of the great river Niger of Africa in the wee hours of the morning under the coastal dews; the  Largest  river of Africa oh you black Mother from the great rivers of Africa !!!

Oh mother of great attributes, hardworking woman of the fields of Africa, virtuosoship woman of great faith,  oh ye woman of great fortitude, oh ye woman of great virtue, oh ye woman of great sacred secret treasure …

Oh mother, let me thank you and Mother Africa for all the great things that you have done for me; gracias momma and gramercy Mother Africa !!!

Your Son whom though so far away but still close to you,


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