Sunday 27 May 2018

MANKIND SEARCH FOR GOD By Fame Agidife The Host Lecturer @ Fame Agidife Leadership Lecture Series

Throughout mankind's history the search for God has led up to many pathways; resulting into a complexities of religious diversities such as Buddhism, Hinduism, New Age Spirituality, Islam, Christianity and other countless religions across the world.

The questions are have this search for God been successful ? And how did we get here ?

The vision and the wisdom of God imbedded in a man are his leadership radar and rudder to all his searching. What happened to the ship when both the radar and the rudder are lost ? The ship got lost, simple; so, mankind got lost the very day he lost the path to his God !

God is ever with us the very day we consciously get back on that path we lost; for that is the reality of whom we are as the children of the living God who is the truth and the spirit and when we let go off ourselves of the satanic falsehood that had come to corrupt our path from God we will become cleaned in newness of spirit and strength.

It is important to understand that all things come from the invisible to the visible so also the future which is invisible; and to get to the future you must align yourself with the invisible eyes of God and His infinite wisdom in you as your radar and rudder to get to the future.

The visible is vincible and limited while the invisible is invincible and limitless; so also the flesh is corruptible and all those who sow in the flesh earns corruption while the spirit is incorruptible and those that sow in the spirit earns incorruptibility of a higher life.

Let us always be steadfast to what is good at all cost and be determined at what we believe in; let us make it our life pattern to never get shy of hard work for real success comes through only hard work and success is the answer to all that mankind searched for. Let us be bold at our vision, our drives, our course, our goal and at all cost we must always be persevered with our cross for it is only the toughs that keep on going when the going is tough.

Leadership is a character that others follow to a certain direction and whatever form of leadership life thrust upon you be strong at it and let the rest of us as the world follow you on the direction you choose to lead us to but if you become weak and complacent at it do not also forget that the rest of us as the world will also despise you for it.

God who created us in His infinite wisdom in likeness of His own image has given us the opportunity to make choices of the kind of leadership we desired for ourselves through the senses and the wisdom He created in us and whatever choice we make it is all ours.

I am Fame Agidife The Host Lecturer @ Fame Agidife Leadership Lecture Series and I just want to add my voice to voice of wisdom.

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