Sunday 22 April 2018

Re: Nigerian Youths Are Lazy And My Take On The National Discussed From A Broader Perspective - Fame Agidife The Host Lecturer @Fame Agidife Leadership Lecture Series

 My Take On The National Discussed From A Broader Perspective; Nigerians Both Young And Old Are Lazy:

“A lot of them haven’t been to school and they are claiming, you know, that Nigeria has been an oil producing country therefore they should sit and do nothing and get housing, health care, education, free,”- President Buhari.

"The bulk work of every developed nation in the world today lies on the desk of its youths; and before you become old you were young, then what did you do? Nothing, so, it is not enough to cry when you are old; those who always in want of what others will give to them will never get filled on their leaking stomach" - Fame Agidife
"In character and temperament, the typical African of this race-type is a happy, thriftless, excitable person. LACKING IN SELF-CONTROL, DISCIPLINE, AND FORESIGHT. Naturally courageous, and naturally courteous and polite, full of personal vanity, with little sense of veracity, fond of music and loving weapons as an oriental loves jewelry. HIS THOUGHTS ARE CONCENTRATED ON THE EVENTS AND FEELINGS OF THE MOMENT, and he suffers little from the apprehension for the future, or grief for the past. His mind is far nearer to the animal world than that of the European or Asiatic, and exhibits something of the animals' placidity and want of desire to rise beyond the State he has reached. Through the ages THE AFRICAN APPEARS TO HAVE EVOLVED NO ORGANIZED RELIGIOUS CREED, and though some tribes appear to believe in a deity, the religious sense seldom rises above pantheistic animalism and seems more often to take the form of a vague dread of the supernatural"
"HE LACKS THE POWER OF ORGANIZATION, and is conspicuously deficient in the management and control alike of men or business. HE LOVES THE DISPLAY OF POWER, but fails to realize its responsibility... he will work hard with a less incentive than most races. He has the courage of the fighting animal, an instinct rather than a moral virtue... In brief, the virtues and defects of this race-type are those of attractive children, whose confidence when it is won is given ungrudgingly as to an older and wiser superior and without envy...Perhaps the two traits which have impressed me as those most characteristic of the African native are HIS LACK OF APPREHENSION AND HIS LACK OF ABILITY TO VISUALIZE THE FUTURE." 
- -Lord Frederick John Dealty Lugard, The Dual Mandate, pg.70 (1926)
“I will never refer to Nigeria’s youth as people who sit and do nothing,” he said in a statement posted on Facebook, adding that youth are the “backbone” of the country". Atiku Abubaka a presidential hopeful.

Another presidential hopeful Adamu Garba said Buhari was being “humorous with our national pride”.

The Daily Post newspaper said the 75-year-old former general was “attacking” youth and the Daily Trust accused him of calling them “lazy”.

I will keep saying this put infrastructure in place especially ELECTRICITY and u will be amazed by what this your Nigerians youth that are not ready to work in your opinion will accomplish.
You blame previous government, you blame the youth. Stop this blaming game Mr President


Replying to @MobilePunchI don't agree. Nigerian youths are among the most hardworking in the world, it's the government that has failed to provide an enabling environment. Na wa o, I have never seen a president who hates Nigerians so much.

We have gone through rigorous training both online and physical. They initially promised to fund our businesses but they now want to back out calling us lazy. We are not LAZY!

On Thursday morning, the hashtag #LazyNigerianYouths was trending on Twitter, with young Nigerians blasting the government.

“The government never created anything for me, I feed from my hustle and yet they say we are lazy,” said one tweet.

Nigeria’s combined youth unemployment and underemployment rate hovered around 50 percent in late 2017 following the country’s worst economic recession in 25 years.

Nigeria came out of recession last year but growth outside the lucrative oil sector remains tepid, constrained by a lack of education and infrastructure.

Nigeria is home to more than 180 million people, with 63 percent of the population living below the poverty line, according to the IMF in a March 2018 report.

Every nation that is evolving towards development must past through this sort of irritating youth redundancy which is often based on too much expectations from the State but it is good because as a result of the State's failure, the youths will always results into a self help sufficiency challenge and that brings the best of out such county youths' aggressiveness into productivity, growth and national development when it is properly handled in all encompassment.

It is in this line of thought that drove

— John F. Kennedy, in his inauguration address, January 1961 when he said:
"Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate." "If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich." "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."

As the heat heats on, we will do ourselves no good if we chose to focus all our energy on the messenger and leave the message. So, I urge all to look into this national quagmire of youth redundancy that had drag our nation backward from growth and development for so long a time in its full encompassment and see how we can channel all our energy into how to get out this national mess. A nation whose larger proportion of her youths depend on 'Baba Ijebu', Naija Bet and advance freed fraud (alliance 419) cannot survive the future for the future is too dynamic than we initially thought !!!

As a leader of some sort in my own capacity as a Host Lecturer @Fame Agidife Leadership Lecture Series; it baffles me a lot when I listened to some fellow youths who till hitherto keeps on blaming the lack of leadership capacity of the youths on the old and the far spent past leaders of our great nation. As often said on the same average level of their own human reasonings; " what do you expect the youth to do when our leaders had failed to provide platforms for the youths to strive on." Stories, what is platform? Except I no longer know what a platform means; but if a platform is a foundation, a stage and a certain environment that allows the advances of certain enterprises to strive, and if that is a platform as I know, then it is not restricted on the government or some angencies alone to create but it is what everyone can. So, what are you then saying that are your excuses? Tell me, I am listening !

What are you doing with the smart device on your palm outside sex chats and watching of pornographic images and videos? Your mate out there in the other Climes are busying being founders of one platform or the other and you are here watching porn images and doing sex chats all day night long and at the end you blame your own failures to fill the void with success when it is still hey on others! He who keeps on blaming others for his own failures will never see the light of failure to his own success. A nation whose larger proportion of her youths depend on 'Baba Ijebu', Bet Naija and advance freed fraud (a.k.a 419) cannot survive the future for the future is speedily faster and more dynamic than we initially thought !!

Let me remind you of one thing that is common with all the great people of this world, I mean the Bill Gates of Microsoft, the Mark Zukebarg of Facebook, Steve Jobs of Apple, the Larry Page of Google, the Warren Buffet, the Alico Dagote of Dagote Cement, the Linda Ikeji of lindaikejiblog, the Oracle, the Amazon, the Alibaba online stores of this World; they are not people who did not see the lack of platform that you are talking about as a void, no, but they are people who saw it, yes, they did like others as a void but with a difference of seeing it as an opportunity to create an extraordinary kind of bridge for the entire world to walk through to their different destination and they seized it as their own opportunity in life to become an extraordinary people who lives in midst of ordinary people of this world !!!

As I conclude on this national discussed, I can do no less but to leave you with a piece of my leadership lecture on this same topic on Monday, 23rd, October 2017, titled:

African Youth Rise Up and Take Your Place in the Committee of Nations !!! Fame Agidife The Host Lecturer @Fame Agidife Leadership Lecture Series
Rise up oh you African youth!! Rise up and take your place in the committee of nations and stop complaining about how some greedy old politicians refused to relinquish power to you oh you African youth !!! 

The American youth have taken the lead in the internet, the, the rocket science and the space revolution to lead the park of the youngest inventors and billionaires in the World today through the instrument of the information technology which we all have access to right on our palms in this 21st century computer science era. They are proud to be chair founders and co-founders of one I.T venture or the other. But I am appalled and often get irritated at our own African youth whenever I meet with them and hear them complaining about how they are being denied one political opportunity or the other by some selfish and greedy old politicians.

As we are talking right now the young Americans and their other counterparts in the other Western countries have venture into the space to control our World with rocket science and security drones. With that they have created another kind of economy that will soon set another records of billionaires to rule our World soon through rocket science in the space.

What our African youth still do not get at this age of ours is that nobody gives you power, you create your own power in your own path if the need be. And with power you can do what you want to do with it. Power is not what one begs from someone like those so called old politicians and you expect them to give it to you as your King makers or as if they are your God; no, power belongs to God only and as such it is a right of everyone to have as an ability to live !!!

It is time we African youths get it right and take our place in the committee of nations and stop complaining about the older politicians who till hitherto had refused to relinquish power to us as leaders of today. At which I am not surprise because power in its nature is had to let go because power is the most interesting thing on in life. Power gives the possessor an ability to control,  makes things happen and becomes very relevant and no one wants to be seen irrelevant in a committee of peoples rather everyone wants to be respected and be seen relevant no matter how old or young that person might be.

The English historian Lord John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, politician, writer, moralist and 1st Baron of Acton, once described POWER AND AUTHORITY as; “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.” This by extension had become one of the most popular axiom today on earth when it comes to the subject of power discourse and just as it is often summarily quote; "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". In other words, power is an intoxicant also an addiction and with that you cannot expect someone that had become so drunk with power to let power go to you like that and  tomorrow when you become so relevant with power he or she will become so irrelevant. No, it has never be so easily acceptable to any user of power in anywhere in the World and it will never be so. It is you that have to create your own power to get power.

We African youths have what it takes to create power to get power; all we need to do is to create our own path from the old path and now is the time and the opportunity to do so is right here with us now in our own hands ! Power will never be given to us because power is never given to people but it is a path that we have to create on our own and be recognized in it as an authority to reckon with. We have the energy that the older people do not have, we have the information technology on our palms, we have the mental capacity, we have the climate, we have the environment, we have the internet and the space and the only thing that we lack is the will power to create our own path and I therefore urge all African youths to rise up and let us fix today for the future because today and the future belong to us the youths and not the old era !!

The old era is far gone and spent and if we continue to look up to the old era as the ever glorious throne and miss the hour mark to fix today for tomorrow we will have no today to live for tomorrow to come !!!

Rise up oh you African youth ! Look beyond the power of the oil, look beyond the power of the politicking, look beyond the government house connected contracts and the mores for the old era !! Look and tap into the enormous potentials in the environment to create the green energy, how to use nature to cure nature to solving our so many environmental problems, how to use nature to fix the problem of the climate change that has bedeviled our World, how to use the opportunity of the internet and the space to build a new economy for ourselves where the old era do not have both the energy and the mental capacity to reach and compete with us !!! We have the advantages now; the energy, the mental capacity and the power of the information technology on our palms as an instrument to aid us to create the new path of power for ourselves an advantage that the old era do not have. I therefore urge every African youth to follow the route of the new path of power in the manner I recommended here today because that is the only way out to get power that we so much lack beforehand to compete with the old era politically and use the new path of power and the great instrument of information technology in our hands to defeat them in their own game.

Rise up oh you African youth !! We have been lagging behind for so long a time now. All our contemporaries in the other climes had all gone to the next realm of the World of power and we are still 50 years backward crawling and crying like a hungry angrily looking baby who is tired of waiting for a breast milk to be put in his or her mouth to sulk.

Rise up oh you African youth !!! For how long are we going to continue to crawl, get tired, cry and await for a breast milk to be put in our mouth to sulk by the old people? And when are we going to finish this crawling, walk, grown up and go for mature food on our own like mature adults? It has been so long a time that we have failed to do what we ought to do but rather we kept have on dwelling on childishness for so long by doing nothing but just to sit in one spot and continue complaining only about the old era and that had kept our beloved continent of Africa underdeveloped till today and till only when God knows.

Rise up oh you African youth !!  It is what you failed to do that  the other person did that makes the other person different from you. African youth rise up and take your place in the committee of nations !!!

I am Fame Agidife - Host Lecturer @ Fame Agidife Leadership Lecture Series and I just want to add my voice to voice of wisdom.

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