Friday 6 April 2018

32 Leadership Testaments Of Fame Agidife For The Great Minds !!! @Fame Agidife Leadership Lecture Series #VoiceOfWisdom

Greatness is imbedded in every man in the likeness of God the creator but it is shown on those who appreciates its values only. In other words, you can be that great man that you really want to be only when you appreciates the value of greatness ! That shining star that the World really needs you to be !! Yes simply be the best in what you do !!! For the World needs no lack luck stars, dull stars and dark stars anymore but only shining stars that can brightened the world to make it a more better place.
32 Leadership Testaments of Fame Agidife For The Great Minds are culled from Fame Agidife Leadership Lecture Series of all times to serve you as a guide to see leadership from the standpoint of a great mind and that of God.

1. Seek power for power is good; power answers all things though it is the root of all evils, however, of what parameter is greatness measured  without power?

2. Work harder to master the units of atomic powers in you and make power your own.

3. Know how to be in charge of power, else, power will turn you to its very slave; and of what essence is power without wisdom to its owner?

4.Live to do good for all men at all times for goodness is for the strong while evil is for the weak.

5. Learn how to forgive people who offends you for forgiveness is from a superior strength while malice is from the weaker minds.

6. Be generous to all kinds for generosity is the very essence of God in you to humanity and the loudest way of selling your values to the rest of the world.

7. Live a good life for it is longtime rewarding but evil is short lived.

8. Do not be too predictable a man for there lives little or no aroma to your taste values.

9. Listen to both the nay and the yay sayers but take only their positiveness

10. Do not be too in haste to jump into conclusion with what you hear from hear sayers but try a little more to act on proofs for woes onto the heart of a good man who acts arbitrary with his powers to oppress the lonely ones of God.

11. Preach peace to all men for only the strong that can preserve the peace of the world.

12. You must live to defend yourself to live to another day; sleep because you need some piece of sleep to get a little rest but do not sleep with all your eyes closed for there are evil doors wondering about all over the entire surface of the earth looking for innocent victims to kill at night, so, defend yourself for defencelessness is a real sign of weakness.

13. Do not be a man of weak bones all round for the world is full of evils and there will be a time you will need some real bones for your own defence.

14. Do not envy the evil doors for they are weak and their time is short lived.

15. Present yourself to the World on the truest pedestal of your laurels in a manner that the World had never seen before and be seen as the lamp that the World truly needs to light up its horizon.

16. Seize the very moment opportunity comes your way in life and make good use of it wisely for tomorrow it might never come; for one thing common with all successful people is that they have foresight for opportunities and they seize them wisely while they last. The great wise king Solomon once said about successful ones that it is time and chance that happeneth to them all." Ecclesiastes 9:11. .

17. Do not tell the world that your life depends on what you lost because you will really loose that your life plus more lives that depend on you out of your stupidity. But if you tell the world that you lost, yes, but I gained too in this way or that way then the world will envy you, yes because, you have played your card well to be able to have gained something even though it is not all but at least you gained something out of life risks, else, you will be see as a complete loser . Surely, the World is never a place for losers and the world do not want to hear about losers, even when there are losers everywhere.

18. Stop being a 4 year old weeping baby and convert the energy you use for weeping to do positive things for yourself and the world and see for yourself whether you will not be a shining light that the world needs to make it a better place.

19. I will not tell you that the modules of the world's living is a deception, it is you alone that have to determine that for yourself and fashion out the best way to live with its treachery, however, I will urge you to live a life of honesty it is an attribute of men of honour and it is  long term rewarding.

20. Live a good life, shine and light up the World around you in midst of sorrow then the World will see you as a brave Man and their hero not the other way round of the pity party. Even at the point of death do not die soliciting for sympathy but die with your hands up as a hero for it is your time to die just as a everyone has his own time die.

21. Stand up as the warrior king at times of sorrow and hate to see yourself squatting on a spot like a man of weak bones. It was when King David left his wailing mood and came out to meet his people in spite of the agony of loosing his beloved son Absalom to the rebellion, that was when his people saw him as their true king. And not when he was still a wailing wailer over the death of his beloved son Absalom.

22. Live by the truth and die by the truth for the World of greatness hates cowards and God too does, and there is nothing like inheritance for cowards in the book of life.

23. Live a modest life for it reduces stress; be bold at it and be proud of yourself for being a modest man lies dignity and honour.

24. Disgust sympathy and cherish empathy for sympathy is for low lives but empathy is for the great minds.

25. Abhor immodesty for there lies sympathy, dishonesty, shamelessness and apathy.

26. Live a life of trustworthiness and be brave at it for there lies empathy, a public trust and good stewardship.

27. Always be mindful of others in all your dealings for they are your neighbours, they are your social environment and they are your mirror. For what kind of a low life out there that do not care about what others feel about him, does he thinks he lives all alone in this world? And what a mess he will definitely end up at.

28. Know how to draw a line in between a show of ego and selling of values for ego is the number 1 killer virus of human values of all times.

29. Learn to be a value booster by constantly adding positivity to other people's life as an immune booster and not as immune killer virus.

30. Give gift to people to gain their lost souls back to them but do not give gift to take possession of their souls for the reward of a giver is never in the gift but on the very effects of the gift.

31. In all things, reverend God wholeheartedly and give Him glory for his unbounded miracles on you are the extraordinariness that others see in you as greatness.

32. We all have a little life span; live yours wisely and live a great life.

I am Fame Agidife and I just want to add my voice to voice of wisdom.

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