Thursday 22 March 2018

The Rejection Of The Engagement Ring - D' Prince & 'The Treasure In The City Wall - By Frankie White & Edited By Bar Sharon White

'D Prince: I pay special attention to every every single details to complaints, attitudes and signals from individuals but always behave as if am less attentive at the time of first notice. At least that helps me to cover my face from shame if it happened that I do not have the capacity to attend to the issue at stake at the spot and use that as an opportunity to buy time to think of a possible solution. And During our previous day chatting, I noticed she complaint; "I want to sleep,my data would soon finish"
D' Prince: So, in the following day, after taking care of my personal effects and set to go out, I took the engagement ring I bought for her all these while. I brought it out from its case, I look at it admirably, gave it my love kiss and I returned it back into the case. I put the case in my breast pocket, came out and walked to their place. I nocked at their door, she answered from their inner room.

'The Treasure: Yes, who's there?

 D' Prince: As usual I don't need introduction so I pull off my sandals at the door step and walked into the living room and sat on a sofa. She came out from the other room and greeted.

'The Treasure; Good morning,

D' Prince: morning, what's up and your night ?

'The Treasure: fine, fine and yours ? And those your naughty stuff you were talking about yesterday after watching porn you will be talking about such stuff to make yourself uncomfortable abi ?

D' Prince: Yap, at least for a while.

D' Prince: But that is not why am here.

D' Prince: Sit down here I want to show you something.

'The Treasure: Really, OK. ( she sat on the same sofa with the Prince)
D' Prince: I stretched my hands to her; give me your hands I requested softly, she stretched them to me and I held her fingers, keenly staring at the engagement finger admirably equally gauging the finger whether it might well fit into the finger. I used my right hand to pull the case ring out from my pocket and took the ring out. It's like she was inquisitive trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to do. So she was calm watching me on my love quest.

D' Prince: One thing I know right from time is that when it comes to love relationship; am the most timid and idiotic person the world has ever produced, though that is why it is love and genuine. Anything outside such akward behaviour is counterfeit.

D' Prince: So, I held the engagement finger with my left hand, keenly staring at admirably and with my hand holding on to the ring, I raised her hand up towards my face, I wanted to give to give the engagement finger my love kiss and possibly wet it with my mouth liquid salt before finally slotting it on her finger. Just as I expected, she withdrew her finger off my hand immediately. She had suddenly came to her realization that I was almost gotten her engaged for marriage without her real consent rather she was just merely following the flow of my love artistry based on mere curiosity of the heart.

'The Treasure: What are you doing ? Do you know what you almost do?
'The Treasure: And it's an engagement ring, and it's fine. ( mother interrupted from the store by calling her)

'The Treasure: ma ah ! Am bringing it !! Am sorry please, am coming.( she ran to attend to her mom at the store)

'The Treasure: ( she is back from the store) OK, am sorry, am back.
'The Treasure: So, engagement ring is what you give to a woman you want to marry ( she felt that the D' Prince is a novice of what was trying to do and she was trying to explain the implication to D' Prince).

D' Prince: sshh !
'The Treasure; Don't shut me down let me land. ( she replied D' Prince)

D' Prince: It seems she respect my person and she doesn't like going into argument with me and I can't either. We seems to understand and respect each other's way of person. At least, it's like she knows am a very shy person and am quick at getting to a conclusion; so, she decided to take a restraint.

D' Prince: Am not good at listening to people lecturing me on what I know already and that was why I was doing sshh to shut her up. I hate to be bored for an unnecessary bravado. I might be naive when it comes to love relationship but that does not mean that I do not know the meaning of engagement ring. At least I bought it with my money and I should know what I put my money on. Though, her opinion on me was still good for me because that means my naiveness had also proven to her that am not a promiscuous type but also a child of primitive origin just like.

D' Prince: Ok, just wear it for me, ok? (I tried to persuade her to wear the ring for me but she refused. I even told her to just test on her finger and let me see how fitting it will be on her but she stood on her point.)

'The Treasure: No, I can't.

D' Prince: OK, just try it for me let see.
'The Treasure: No, I can't. Haba, they don't try it on people it is specially given to and wore on person that you are about to get marriage to.

D' Prince: I hate to hear to her speaking about marriage in exclusion of me.
D' Prince: I then reminded her; OK, no problem but don't forget that this the second time you are rejecting me.

'The Treasure: That is to tell you that there is something that you are not doing write.

D' Prince: I know but am not a man of many protocols; am only seizing my opportunities as they come and all want to know is that you are my opportunity and my treasure.

D' Prince: Less I forget, yesterday when we were chatting you made mention of something like whether your recharge will soon finish or was it your battery?

'The Treasure: Yeah, it was my data.

D' Prince: OK, have you bought?
'The Treasure: No.

D' Prince: I have already brought out the money from my wallet into my shirt pocket before when she went out to attend to her mom, so, I just took it out from my breast pocket for her to buy the data.

'The Treasure: Thanks very much, I appreciate.

D' Prince: Yep.

'The Treasure: I hope are not taking it as if I broke your heart oh! Am really sorry.

D' Prince: What I hate most in my entire life is sympathy; my mates are super men and heroes to others then how come mine should be the one of pity party? I don't just like it; if you understand me then trust me and let be your hero.

D' Prince: So, I then told him that no one breaks my heart it is already full of stones; it has been broken before and there is nothing there to be broken again. To me, am a broken hearted warrior who stares at the very head of failure and take it head on as my carrot for eaten.

D' Prince: See you later.
'The Treasure: OK, later, thanks.

D' Prince: I walked back to my house, brought the ring out of my pocket, throw it on my bed and walked away.

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