Monday 9 October 2017

Strategy is the Secret Behind the success of Power and it is the Master Key to Great Leadership !!! Fame Agidife

What is strategy?
Strategy is a skillful planning with a special ability and intent to execute an action within a specified scheme of things.

So, why is it so important for leaders to always be on top of their games in course of their leadership? History has shown that all great leaders around the World had proven to be great strategist. Well, strategy is not just a thought on the head but it is a skill and ability. That is why it is a line of discipline in the institutions of higher learning.
To be a great leader you must posses this special skill and ability to analyze issues, flaws, risks and recovery steps to be taken in case there is a failure in a course of action. Leaders with little or no strategies always meet their waterloo at the early stage of battle field. Reason is that there are always unforeseen resistance to any course of action in life. May it be positive action or negative actions and that is why great and successful people are always in the habits of going to the drawing board where they are free to check and examine all loose ends, flaws, failures, timings and practicable back up steps to be taken in case there is failure in course of action. What that means is that successful people too also planned for failures as well otherwise failure will be a thing of a shock that will be difficult to recover from.

Success and wars are not won by the volume of money in individuals possession neither the size of a country's military contingents but all depend on the leadership dynamism of the leader who leads keyed on his ability to strategize for susses or victories. And that is why success stories are not centered on the large sum of money one started his or her business or organization nor how endowed a country is with natural resources but how good he or she is in his or her leadership ability to strategize and sum out  one obstacle to another with the available resources at his or her disposal until he or she gets his or her team or country to the top and become victorious !!

Alexander the great conquered the World in his early thirties and was known in history for his great military prowess and conquest around the World due to his great military strategist. Cyrus the great used his great military strategies to divert water off the great river Euphrates that surround ancient city of Babylon now outskirt of Iraqi through an artificial canal for his military men that comprises of both the Meds and the Persians to form the Medo Persians empire that later became the MedoPersian ancient civilization whose army ran over the ancient city of Babylon under the reign of Syrus the great. Till today history has it that Rome conquered the entire World under their iron strength rule not because they were the largest city in size of population in the World then but it was because of the great skills in military strategy of her generals in likes of Julius Caesar, emperor Augustus Caesar and what have you in history. America is just a country of three hundred and fifty million (350,000,000) people ruling the entire World against over one billion (1,000,000,000) of China and India each respectively.
Strategy is the secret behind the success of power and to be a skillful strategist you need to learn in a great way to get knowledge. Intelligence alone is not enough to become a successful leader but a vast range of knowledge, wisdom along side with great sense of reasoning together with the ability to calculate and read events are what encompasses the components of great leadership ability in you !!!

Am Fame Agidife and I just want to add my voice to voice of wisdom.

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