Wednesday 4 October 2017

Water is Life !!!

Water is life !! Get a clean drinking water at FGL Water Resources Development and Geological Drilling for your healthy living today !!! FGL Water Resources is a privately owned company that enhances innovations in drilling technology and engineering to have access to water spring aquifer in highlands also optimizes aqua reverse osmosis filtration system to achieve the highest driven performance technology standard in water treatment in unison with W.H.O water treatment standard for a healthy living across Africa.

Use the Core Professionals that Can Guarantee You a Standard Borehole Well to Drill Your Borehole Well for Your Healthy Home.

We believe by getting involve the core professionals your fears are gone! We carry out geophysical investigation for all our borehole works, soil penetrometer test for all our pilings, science laboratory examinations for a comprehensive water analysis report before carrying out our water treatment and other necessary ecological and environmental investigations to ascertain the integrity of proprietorships of various elements in the different strata of the soil layers in all our engineering works.

Our machines are ecosystem friendly; so, you need to to panic over fast rising environmental incursions and the present day degradation of our ecosystem.

Put You Money on What Money Worth Buying and Save Yourself and the Millions of Lives Dying Annually as a Result of Water Related Diseases.

Millions of people are dying annually around the globe mostly children, women as a result of  misapplication of chlorine in water and the rustic discharge of election into water as a result of the negative reaction of electron that usually emanates from some of the local water treatment cylinder tanks and installed water pipes that contain both lead ionic content and ammonium hydroxide NH4+OH- and chlorinated hydrocarbons or trihalomethane (THMs) dosages and some of the local chlorinated methodologies that are usually being used by several none professionals which had all been confirmed by World Health Organization (W.H.O) and other World health relevant experts as major risk factors to kidney disease, liver disease, body burns, stroke, heart attack, hypertension, lugs disease, esophagus related disease, rectum, cancer of the bladder and breast cancer etc.

Contact us today for a professional analysis of your water technology care, Water Treatment Installations for your Healthy Home and a Reliable Pile Foundation that Stands the Test Future Integrity of your Building Against Future Failure and a Possible Collapse.
Tel: 0 8 1 4 3 3 5 2 4 9 3, 0 80 7 3 2 5 4 3 2 5

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