Tuesday 17 October 2017

Love Relationships and How to Live Beyond the Daunting Challenges that Come There in after !!! Fame Agidife

Given it to today's life complications and realities I prescribe to all love birds to be on a look out for more of a mental strength of individuals than the materialistic and the moral rewards that is often used as credentials to a build up of a fore core foundation for love relationships.

Lasting relationships should not be built on materialistic objectives neither on a compensation for moral supports and rewards but should be on a strong leadership mental capability to go through over tough issues that relates to both parties and other critical issues of life in case they come and probably they will always come because difficult issues to crack are part of our human life so also it is not true that it is all what we bargain for that we do always encounter in life but both things that we bargain for and the things that we do not.

There is always a test of time in every relationship as a result of daunting challenges that are naturally bound to arise and our leadership mental capability to resolve such daunting challenges such as; our individual views, our upbringing background imbalances and our attitudinal differences determines the mental strength of our individual leadership mental capabilities make up in a relationship.

Everything in life can go; material things, physical attributes, physical strength and even love  can go  but what always remain in most cases is the leadership mental strength of the individual parties that often stand as a will power to sustain the relationship. It is rare for the mental strength of both parties to go once. In often times one party will always remain strong enough to carry the other party over the stormy weather. Once both parties mental strength collapsed at the same time there will be no more vision power to see beyond the storm and to such situations they will lack the will power to seek for both the mental and the moral strength that are much needed to seek out solutions for issues that are bone of contentions and other values that are lacking in the relationship. It is when relationship lack the will power, the mental and the moral strength that relationships are normally termed irreconcilable.

 It is also very imperative to note that just as our judgemental ability is a great key to the choice of partners we make in life so also the role the hands of unforeseen forces play are far more than what the eyes see. Yes, they play a big role, just as they say, there is no single action in life without a cause so also those we meet, the timing of meeting those we meet and fall in love with them are not just a mere coincidence but there is a strong unexplainable connecting force that there is that meets the eyes. And that is why how we are able to manage our powers to fix our relationship problems are very important knowing fully well that a whole lots of actions are involve that are far beyond our personal control. In other words, we have to accept our circumstantial human realities so that our actions will not go in conflict with God's purpose in our life. 

One more thing, just as I always tell every marriage person who cares to  listen that without marriage you will live so also with marriage you should live, good or bad. Marriage does not make one to be so dependent as a minor or as if the other party is your God and when he or she fails it is as if your God has failed you, it should not be so.

You just get to think of what you get to do and do what you get to do to live to another day. If it is good for you, good, then you support the other person and if it is good for him or her good also then he or she supports as well. And if it happened in the other way round that things are not going well at all for both parties, it is still good, let both parties sit together and discourse the best possible way to survive forward. And that is why it is said that the two heads are far better of than one. Marriage is not a burden upon one person's shoulder but the two in one union and one as the head and the other as the assistant and it remains so. 

Love relationship is a Union that is a sorts of value mixtures; the ugly and the goodies, the sad and the happy moments but what matter most is how one uses his or her mental capabilities of leadership strength imbedded in him to manage all the sorts of value mixtures to absolve each other in an orderly manner that they can accommodate each others in a jar container called a union.

Let us put into an illustration a sorts of value mixtures in a mode of their leadership capabilities to absolve and accommodate each others. We will arrange a mixture of golf balls, little pebbles, sand and a liquor of beer in a jar container. We will start by putting in first into the jar container in their order of importance as to their status of existence and in that case sand will go in first before the others because by status sand is more important in this order in that sand is the mother earth we all live in but by putting in sand first what then happened? It levelled up the container and there will be no other space to accommodate the other sorts of values. Now let us revise it back to their mode order of their leadership capabilities to accommodate each when put inside the jar container. And let us put in first the golf balls for the fact that they are bigger and round in nature and as such when packed inside the jar container they will jam each other in a way that they will naturally open up spaces in between themselves to accommodate the others. And to follow that we put in the little pebbles, follow by the sand and lastly the beer liquor and what then happened? They all entered the jar container because of the orderly manner they were all arranged inside the container based on their leadership strength to accommodate each others inside the container and not in accordance to their status of existence but in accordance to their leadership mode on what each can offer in terms of their leadership strength to accommodate each others when put together inside the jar container.

This illustration is a picture of everyday life as to how we handle issues in our everyday life; if we attached too much importance to some sorts of values base on their status of importance we will be denied the opportunity to see the leadership potentials of other sorts of values in our hands to solve our problems.

The second lesson from this illustration is that if we give precedence to things of little or inconsequential values in our lives cost us things of great consequential values in life. It is important we fill ourselves with the things of great consequential and positive values that have greater strength to accommodate the other inconsequential values in our life having accepted them as part our our lives. 

Am Fame Agidife and I just want to add my voice to voice of wisdom.

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