Tuesday 22 August 2017

Making a Great Leadership Deal out of your Oratory Power - Fame Agidife

Uninspiring leaders makes unmotivated subjects and both create a dull society.

You get to make a great deal out of your oratory skills to stand convincingly on your leadership path for your followers to follow. Else, how do you achieve the much needed total support of your followers in carrying out your much needed campaign policies and agendas to as many as possible on their reach and the generality of the public or how will they implement programs, policies, agendas and strategies when you lack the ability to convince them of the efficacy of your ideas and their practicability? That is to say, you as the leader of the idea is not even sounding convincingly or persuasive enough to understand the practicability of where you are coming from and where you are going? Because in life take it or leave it, if you cannot convince others enough of what know, that is as well means that you are not also sure enough of what you think you know.

What is oratory? Mistakingly, some assume oratory as an ability to be a good mastery of languages in ceremonies or a master of ceremonies or a very high vocal speaker. But far from that, oratory is an eloquence; the quality of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing to convince an audience on an arguing subject matter. In other words, oratory is an expressive, convincing and inspiring knowledge to an audience with a unique motive that can motivate the curiosity of the audience into the mood of action to solving the subject matter.

Yes! The best way to achieving the objective of inspiring and motivating your audience into action is by telling them what they need to hear; and what people need to hear in life is what they have never heard before. You cannot be tormenting your audience with boring messages just to dull their life to death. You get to be ahead of your your audience by telling them what the future holds, where it was all got wrong that got that them into the present mess as a people and measures that need to be put in place to avert such similar mistakes in the future. Let your interaction with your audience be of teaching and learning one. If your audience are not learning anything in the course of your discourse, definitely they are bored. The only way people can be inspired through your talk is when they learn new things from you through your message. It is a two way thing, either you get people inspired with new things or you get people bored with old things and that is an old way of doing things in a new era.

Your eloquent ability to express your ideas and message to your audience and to the general public in a manner they have never heard of such before creates the first step to your own uniqueness in your leadership ability. It places a high level of confidence on your human ability, that yes; you are not just vastly knowledgeable about what you are talking about but what you are talking about is an already tested and practicable solution and if or when you are allow to put it to test there is bound to be a boom of success for everyone to see.

Surely, if you sound unique and tell people what they need to hear on why you are the best man for the job base on their yearnings and their expectations you will be given the job to prove yourself to the World on what you claimed you know doing best. Of course,  the World needs success as the ideal replacement for failure, and solutions for problems of both the present and the future! And with that, I bet you, the World of today needs solution providers; and so, you need to be articulated enough to persuade both your audience and your followers on your line of reasonings, your strategies and what your projects are all about as your marketing points to the World. And that alone boosts the confidence level of your followers, and believe me, your followers can bang their heads on the wall for you on their own when carrying out your campaigns, agendas, strategies and implementing your policies to those it may concern. You know why? Your oratory power has placed a very clear picture of the success of your leadership in their minds even when they have not yet seen its result yet. And they are convinced, that yes, together you can do it. Am Fame Agidife and I just what to add my voice to voice of reasoning.

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