The Secret of the kim Kandershian? I bet you Kim can break the internet 10 times in her life tme while millions of Ladies out there cannot even break a circle of friends!

And the secrete is she has sucesfully been able to build a strong character as a protagonist in the the Kandershian Family Reality Show; a strong mother to her kids(North West and Saint West), a strong supportive Wife to Kanye West, a strong supportive big Sister to her simblings and her Parents( Jenna and Christie). In fact, she is the

She has sucessfully been able to build the World most Sexiest and adorable body beauty physics overtime that had endeared her more irresistable to millions of her ever increasing fans around the World.
So, playing the wild cat by getting herself completely unclad for commercials, private and public life to showcase her very self admired body beauty in the opposite direction of her hard earned reputation as a protagonist in the Kandersian Family TV Reality Show is enough to generate the needed suspence for her to create the World's internet bizarre of all time.

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