It is now a time or never at all as a people to start reexamining some of these so much reverend cultural inheritance by going the way of common sence reasoning to unturning theses so called cultural and traditional taboos through the instruments of attitudinal change towards how we see them and relate with them in connection with the reality of modern day human civilization.
A look at the permits and the moral uprightness of the under aged 
marriage as it is being practised in some African cultures and traditions today. For example, a common tradition in Swaziland (Swazi) permits the King, Mswatit to choos a new bride every year.

It has been learnt that a long time tradition in Swaziland permits the Sherburne-educated Kingmank to choose a new bride every August of every year. This year happened to be August 5, 2016 in the Swazi Reed Dance Festival where he paraded and tested topless under aged virgin girls publicly to ascertain whether their virginity was still intact.

It has been a long time tradition in Swaziland and not the first time this controversial issue is making it into the news. Although, many consider this barbaric and backward, it’s a tradition the people willingly embrace as the aim is to help King Mswati choose a wife.

It would be recalled that in 2012, it was reported that topless virgins were paraded in front of the Swazi King, to celebrate chastity and unity.

As part of Swazi custom and norms, that time of the year has come, when the King chooses his bride and again, he has reportedly tested some of the volunteered girls’ virginity before choosing a wife for himself.

Thousands of pretty virgins’ were seen in this year’s edition dancing topless for King Mswati III, on what is called the Reed Dance ceremony, also known as Umhlanga), hoping to be his next wife.
The Reed Dance ceremony is an annual Swazi and Zulu tradition held in August or September. In Swaziland, tens of thousands of unmarried and childless Swazi girls and women travel from the various chiefdoms to Ludzidzini to participate in the eight-day event..

The underage girls are publicly checked to ascertain that their virginity was still intact.
The King had chosen a 19-year-old virgin from the dancing maidens last year August, who became his 15th wife.

Report had it that in August 2015 no fewer than 38 virgins were killed in an auto crash on their way to the festival. Dozens of girls and young women were killed as they traveled to the traditional festival.
The open-topped truck they boarded had collided with another vehicle, before being hit by a second truck as it travelled along a motorway between the Swazi cities of Mbabane and Manzini.
At least 38 girls who were to partake in the annual event reportedly lost their lives. And my question is what moral uprightness and rationals back a child that cannot take appropriate decision to protect neigther guards herself to be subjected into life time decision taking institution such as marriage? It is not limited only to Swaziland but it is an aged barbaric culture and tradition that cut across several African Lands.
My take is on the lack of adequate informal and formal education that the girl child is systematically being denied under the guise of these customs and tradition are my greatest concern.
The importance of the girl child to the overall development of our human society had been greatly misappropriated and misplaced for so long a time in Africa our beloved land here. Maybe it is time we revisit some of these aged long barbaric cultures and traditions that stand as the greatest hidderance to the civilization of the African girl child.
Once more the African girl child is so vital to the development of the African husband, no wonder African men always seemed to have more respect for their wife when they are educated than when they are not. What upbriging of the children, the contineous care and upkeep of her aging parents and the African society at large. And we cannot afford to continuing denying them that special educational priveleged to be processed in same light like their countaparts in the wester clime for their God giving primary responsility of building the home for the betterment of mankind in general.
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